International Speciality Chemicals Ltd: Marketing Innovation
We have over 30 years experience of manufacturing and marketing speciality chemicals to ensure that we offer our customers the very best products to meet ever more stringent needs.
Our manufacturing and marketing activity is spread throughout Europe, the Americas, the Middle East and Asia to ensure that we remain close to our customers.
We are developing our presence in North America and our strategy includes further development of the Latin American markets, both directly and through our affiliate companies, agents and distributors.
Our manufacturing partners are located on many continents and combine state-of-the-art product manufacturing with innovative products many coming directly from research projects produced with efficient and environmentally friendly processes. More details can be found in the OUR PRODUCTS pages, where you will find the perfect raw material for your chemical needs.
International Speciality Chemicals Limited aims to offer the very best in speciality chemicals, for a wide range of applications.
In addition to our principal range of pigments, we offer a selected range of special SECURITY PIGMENTS especially designed for banknotes and other high value document security.
We aim to make International Speciality Chemicals your first stop for your speciality chemicals needs
Give us a call on +44 1223 852627. We'll be happy to discuss our product range and find out exactly how we can help.